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Abbaye de Stavelot

to 27.8 Km in our area
Come and discover Stavelot Abbey and its site, listed as major heritage of Wallonia, and witness the fascinating history of one of the oldest monastic foundations in Belgium and the world's most beautiful racing circuit together with the artistic world of one of the 19th century's outstanding figures, the poet Guillaume Apollinaire.
Why we recommend these places
Stavelot Abbey, a historical treasure in the heart of the Belgian Ardennes! ???? Nestled in a picturesque setting, this centuries-old abbey is a true window into the past and a must-see destination for history and culture lovers.

Monde Sauvage Safari Parc

to 15.3 Km in our area
 Your safari 25 km away from Liège! A real African safari. No need to travel far or pay a lot... With our train or by car, you will discover the African fauna in a natural setting. Come and discover the Humboldt penguins, the Bear Canyon, the North American area and its redwood alley. 3 breathtaking didactic performances: parrots, sea lions and birds of prey. The aviaries and the jungle dome: exotic birds can be observed in the interior aviaries in the enclosure of the dome where you will also find reptiles and tarantulas. The large outdoor aviaries offer an impressive collection of aquatic bird species. Big cats, bears and islands with monkeys and lemurs, which live in harmony with their environment. The South American plateau. Discover the Fraxinus adventure, our tree climbing course. Large playground, restaurant, self-service, souvenir shop. Total duration of the visit: +/- 5h. Parking: €6 (to be purchased online or at the entrance). No dogs allowed.
Why we recommend these places
With children and grandchildren, you will find something to occupy your entire day. A nice full of games completes the visit to the animals from here and elsewhere and why not have a bite to eat on site? Everything you need to have an unforgettable day.

Abbaye de Beaufays

to 16 Km in our area
 Fondée en 1123, l'Abbaye de Beaufays a traversé plus de neuf siècles d'une histoire parfois mouvementée.
Why we recommend these places
For information: Beer - The spring from which Robert and his companions drew their water 900 years ago still flows in the courtyard of the Priory. It is also from this source that the canons drew water to brew their beer in the old brewery. The Priory beer brewed by our brewer-partner is inspired by the tradition dear to the canons of Saint-Augustin

Domain of Palogne

to 4.4 Km in our area
Nestled in the hollow of a green valley, in the heart of the Domaine, the Ferme de Palogne exudes well-being and welcomes you to countless possibilities for relaxation and nature sports: kayaks, mountain biking (3 mountain biking circuits of 12 km), Marked walks (9 suggestions from 2.5 to 11 km - maps on sale at reception points), playground, mini-golf, multi-sports ground... Don't miss the ""Al la Gatte d'Or"" tavern located in the old 18th century dwelling: taste the local specialties and enjoy a pleasant moment with family or friends!
Why we recommend these places
A real pleasure Taking a breath of fresh air while exploring the riches of this beautiful valley is possible at the Domaine de Palogne! Their fleet of mountain bikes and E-mountain bikes is growing to offer you even more sensations. What enriching discoveries!

Château Féodal de La Roche-en-Ardenne

to 28.7 Km in our area
   Go back in time and discover the ruins of the famous feudal castle which overlooks the charming little town of La Roche-en-Ardenne. Dominating the valley, nestled between a loop of the Ourthe and the steep sides of the Deister hill, the ruins of the medieval castle, built between the 11th-12th and 13th centuries, stand out in their dark and imposing mass. At certain times of the year, several activities take place inside the castle such as archery and crafts, falconry shows, ... Some summer evenings, around nightfall except in bad weather, we can even see the ghost of Countess Berthe de La Roche prowling around the ruins of the castle, at the very spot of her death.   Price: €6.5 per child (aged 3 to 12) + €2/p.p. during animations. €8.5 per adult (aged 12 and over) + €2/p.p. during animations. Group rate (+ 15 people ): discount of €0.50 p.p.   By reservation by e-mail: E-mail address: Guided tour: €50 per guide. Guided tour + tasting of our local products: €27 p.p.   For your information: Please note that the site may be closed in the event of snow and / or ice. In this case, tickets will remain valid until a later date. We're open everyday from 11am to 4.30pm Last entry 30 minutes before closing time. The visit takes 45 minutes.   Unfortunately, the site is not accessible to persons with reduced mobility. Dogs on leads are welcome at the castle. Please book by e-mail for 15 people or more : .   We wish you a pleasant visit to our magnificent castle! The team of the Feudal Castle of La Roche-en-Ardenne.
Why we recommend these places
Yes yes yes, I saw...or thought I saw ha ha Some evenings, around nightfall - except in bad weather - you can even see the ghost of Countess Berthe wandering on the ruins of the castle, at the site of his tragic death.

Chlorophyll Park

to 23.4 Km in our area
Chlorophylle Park and the restaurant are open from February 15! 2 new educational modules and two playgrounds are waiting to be discovered! 🕐 Check dates/times on our online calendar. Open from February 15 to March 9: weekdays from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on weekends. Open from March 10 to March 30: weekends from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open from April 1 to June 1: every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed Mondays and Tuesdays June 12-13 and 26-27) Opening hours from June 2 to June 30: Wednesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. (open Monday June 9 and 23 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Open from July 1 to August 31: every day from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. (first and last week from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Open from September 1st to October 12th: Wednesday to Friday from 10am to 4pm and Saturday to Sunday from 10am to 5pm. Restaurant closed on weekdays. Open from October 13 to November 2: every day from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open from November 8 to 11 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Open the last weekend of November 15 to 16 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Attention: For online booking, please purchase your tickets at least 2 hours before your scheduled visit. Last entry 2 hours before the park closes. Payment on site possible. Reservation is not required. 💶Price: Normal Adult rate: €9.50/adult. Normal rate Child (3 to 12 years): €8.50/child. treasure hunt: €1 per child 🏠 Residents of Manhay : Free entry only with proof of address for each visitor (e.g.: identity card for each person +3 years OR household composition ⚠️ Attention! Dogs are not allowed (guide dogs allowed). Two kennels are available free of charge (reservation required). Accessibility for strollers and wheelchairs in the park (except at the footbridge) Welcome everyone to Parc Chlorophylle!
Why we recommend these places
Parc Chlorophylle and the park's brasserie are open every day during Belgian and Dutch holidays. Parc Chlorophylle is a 9-hectare recreational, educational and artistic forest park in the heart of the Ardennes forests, between Baraque de Fraiture and the Ourthe Valley. A 2 km educational trail, a magnificent treetop walkway and themed playgrounds let you discover the forest while having fun.

Tramway Touristique de l'Aisne

to 16.5 Km in our area
 The TTA: an outing not to be missed! Along the Aisne Valley , in a protected nature reserve , a pretty river caracoles merrily through a setting that is sometimes pastoral and picturesque, sometimes wild and proud, in the shade of vast, centuries-old forests. As the TTA heads off in search of its springs, the 11-kilometre route reveals the glorious Ardennes, displaying countryside that sparkles with beauty for your delight. In the little trains of yesteryear, jealously preserved and gleaming in shades of red and cream, an outing like no other awaits you. A real, living museum that offers you the chance to experience an age when time barely counted, when at the start of the 20th century a vast array of secondary, antiquated railway lines drew the province of Luxembourg out of its age-old torpor. At the TTA station , you'll find two playgrounds (free of charge), the museum and the Royal Syndicat d'Initiative d'Erezée.  Thanks to the hard work of everyone involved, with the support of the communes of Erezée and Manhay, the TTA snakes its way along the Aisne on the old Erezée-Lamormenil line. Revived by an enthusiastic team of volunteers of all ages who willingly devote their leisure time to the task... and who await you. We look forward to welcoming you! All services are paid on site, upon arrival. Your credit card is only taken as a guarantee.
Why we recommend these places
Go back in time on a tourist tram. A great way to discover the Ardennes nature

Darcis Chocolatier

to 28.4 Km in our area
Un voyage inoubliable au coeur du chocolat. Voyagez aux origines du chocolat en vous faufilant à travers les couloirs de notre temple Maya, embarquez ensuite à bord de la Caravelle de Cortez et traversez les océans vers l'Europe. Au fil de la visite, vous arriverez en pleine époque de la Révolution Française dans un salon bourgeois pour enfin vous plonger dans l'ambiance des premières boutiques de chocolat du début du 20ème siècle. A l'étage, ne manquez pas la suite du parcours, retraçant les gestes du chocolatier, les bienfaits du chocolat et bien d'autres surprises ... Vous terminerez votre voyage le long de nos ateliers et observerez nos artisans en plein travail. La fabrication du chocolat n'aura plus aucun secret pour vous !
Why we recommend these places
Nothing to say: too good....but not good, EXCELLENT Ah, Belgian chocolate....but the one from DARCIS!


to 21.8 Km in our area
 Cachée entre les collines d'un petit hameau, se trouve la Ferme de la Bourgade. C'est une ferme familiale, où petits et grands participent aux tâches quotidiennes.  Nous vous proposons deux activités : Le golffermier (du vendredi à dimanche) et les samedis (à 11h au matin) la promenade en char à banc  Le golffermier s'inspire bien évidemment du golf traditionnel si ce n'est que vous frappez la balle à l'aide d'un petit sabot en bois et que le terrain de golf est une prairie où il n'est pas rare de jouer parmi les vaches... C'est une agréable promenade au milieu des prairies vallonnées. Le parcours qui se situe dans un environnement calme et naturel, suit le ruisseau de Moressée. Tout le monde peut y jouer, c'est facile. La balade en char à banc est une façon originale pour découvrir la région en prenant place à bord de notre « char-à-bancs », construit par l'agriculteur même. Notre char-à-bancs, d'une capacité de 45 places, est tiré par un tracteur ! Nous vous proposons un circuit commenté de environ 15 km qui s'effectue en 2 heures à travers les prairies des bois Idéal pour une sortie en famille, avec des amis ou des collègues de travail.
Why we recommend these places
A real pleasure to stay in La Ferme de la Bourgade. What great possible activities and what good meat. Yum...

Where are we?

Hameau De Xhignesse, 26, HAMOIR 4180 - BELGIQUE